Artifact Evaluation

NDSS 2025 adopts an Artifact Evaluation (AE) process, allowing authors to submit an artifact alongside accepted papers. The artifact may include source code, scripts, datasets, models, test suites, benchmarks, and/or any other material underlying the paper’s contributions. Each submitted artifact will be reviewed by the NDSS Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC).

The AE process promotes the reproducibility of experimental results and the dissemination of artifacts to benefit our community as a whole. Publishing an artifact benefits, among others, how easily peers can build on it, use it as a comparison point, or solve questions about cases not considered by the original authors.

Authors of NDSS papers have the option of submitting their artifacts shortly after the notification of the (conditional) acceptance of their papers. Papers that pass artifact evaluation will include a 2-page appendix detailing the artifact and have evaluation badges on their first page.

The AE process recognizes authors who devote effort to make their work reusable and reproducible by others. This includes making artifacts publicly available, documenting and packaging their work in a way that facilitates reuse, and structuring experiments such that they can be repeated and the results reproduced by other researchers. The AEC will consider outstanding artifacts for Distinguished Artifact Awards.