Call for Artifacts

Please submit your artifact at:

Authors of accepted papers are expected to submit the following:

  • A PDF with an abstract for the artifact. The abstract should specify the core idea, the focus of the artifact, and what the evaluation should check
  • A PDF of the most recent version of the accepted paper
  • Documentation about the artifact (what to test and/or how to reproduce the contributions of the paper)
  • A link to the artifact, accessible via a stable reference or DOI. For this purpose, we recommend Zenodo. Since the artifact can evolve during the evaluation to address feedback from the reviewers, another (potentially different) stable reference will be later collected for the final version of the artifact.

Submissions are single-blind, i.e., authors must ensure that the evaluation process preserves reviewers’ anonymity.


Artifact evaluation is a separate process from paper reviews, and authors will be asked to submit their artifacts only after their papers have been (conditionally) accepted for publication at WOOT. After the artifact submission, at least one member of the AEC will download and install the artifact (where relevant) and evaluate it. Since we anticipate minor glitches with installation and usage, reviewers may communicate with authors to help resolve glitches while preserving reviewer anonymity. The AEC will complete its evaluation and notify the authors of the outcome.

For the camera-ready version, authors who have successfully passed the evaluation process will receive the awarded badges on their papers.